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Symposium satellite VII International Workshop on Rational Use of Medicine
Symposium satellite VII International Workshop on Rational Use of Medicine
Symposium satellite VII International Workshop on Rational Use of Medicine
Round table: Real-world data sources for studying maternal health and medication use in pregnancy and lactation – successful projects and challenges for the future
Educational Course: case study on Paroxetine use in pregnancy and the risk of cardiac defects
Studying maternal health and medication use during pregnancy and lactation relies heavily on real-world data sources to provide comprehensive and actionable insights. Successful projects like the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program, and the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study, the "Birth in Brazil" study and the "Canadian Mother-Child Cohort Active Surveillance Program," which have significantly contributed to our understanding in this area have significantly contributed to our understanding in this area. However, these efforts also face ongoing challenges such as data integration, privacy concerns, and ensuring sustained funding, which must be addressed to enhance future research and outcomes. The idea of this table is to showcase different initiatives evaluating maternal outcomes and the use of medications during pregnancy and the occurrence of malformations. Also present real world data sources for studying maternal health and medication use.
19 junho de 2024
9h – 12h
Auditório do bloco F – Cidade Universitária
Qualquer pessoa interessada no tema: estudantes, funcionários, professores, pesquisadores e população civil.
9h – 9h: Opening Cerimony – Dean of the University of Sorocaba and Denise Grotto (Coordinator of PPGCF)
9h20 – 9h30: Introducing the panel explanation of the different topics to be handled - Luciane Cruz Lopes (Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Course, University of Sorocaba, Brazil)
9h30 – 9h55: The importance of large sample size cohorts with real world data to assess safety of medication exposure during pregnancy: An opportunity for international collaboration – Anick Bérard (Montreal University, Canada)
9h55 – 10h20: Pharmacovigilance in pregnancy – Júlia Souza Vidal (Surveillance Agency – Anvisa, Brazil)
10h20 – 10h45: Are you open or do you have open data? – Luiz Jupiter (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brasilia, Brazil)
10h45 – 11h10: Medication use during pregnancy and lactation: Findings from the Pelotas Birth Cohort studies, Brazil – Fernando S. Guimarães (Center of Epidemiological Research at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil)
11h10 – 11h35: 100 Million Brazilian Cohort and Birth Cohort: Potential for Scientific Evidence Production – Naiá Ortelan (Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Healthcare-CIDACS)
11h35 – 12h: Questions and Debate Summary and Concluding Remarks – Luciane Cruz Lopes (Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Course, University of Sorocaba, Brazil)
12h – 14h: Lunch
14h – 16h: Educational course: case study on Paroxetine Use in Pregnancy and the Risk of Cardiac defects – Anick Bérard (Montreal University, Canada)
PhD in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Post- Doc in Clinical Epidemiology. She is professor in Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Course, University of Sorocaba and leader of Evidence Center for Policies - SERIEMA (Evidence services for monitoring and evaluation) and leader of LATAM RIG in the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology. Luciane is member of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Reviews and Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group. Also, she is collaborator of McMaster University in many projects and guidelines.
Dre Bérard has cross-training in epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, and genetics from McGill University, Harvard Medical School, and Stanford University. She is full professor of perinatal epidemiology at the University of Montreal, Faculty of Pharmacy, and CHU Ste-Justine in Montreal; and adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université Claude Bernard in Lyon, France. Dr Bérard holds a Canada Research Chair Tier 1 on Medications and Pregnancy; and University of Montreal’s Louis-Boivin research chair on « Medications, pregnancy and lactation ». Anick Bérard is also Director of the Research Unit on Medications and Pregnancy at CHU Ste-Justine; Director of the FRQS Réseau Québécois de recherche sur les médicaments; Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Science, and of the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology; and a voting member of the Birth Defects Research Society. Anick Bérard is the principal investigator of the i) pan-canadian CONCEPTION study – COVID-19 and pregnancy (www.etudeCONCEPTIONstudy.ca), ii) Quebec Pregnancy-Child Cohort, iii) Canadian Mother-Child Active Surveillance Initiative (CAMCCO Research/Training/Knowledge Dissemination), iv) AMerican PREGNANcy/Child CohorT (AM-PREGNANT), and v) the IN-uTERO study aiming at identifying women at risk of having children with congenital malformations using causal and machine learning models (FRQS/Health Data Hub initiative, UMontreal and Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3). Dr. Bérard has published over 500 scientific papers, abstracts and patents, and has obtained over 37 million dollars in funding from CIHR, CFI, and FRQS as principal investigator. She recently received a Most Distinguished Scientist Award from the International Teratology Society for her work on antidepressants, maternal depression, and pregnancy; and a research career award from the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada.
Júlia Vidal is a Pharmacist (Catholic University of Brasília, 2010) and master in Public Health (University of Brasília, 2014). She has experience in the fields of drug information, health technology assessment, public health policies and pharmacovigilance. She is currently Health Regulation Expert at Anvisa's Pharmacovigilance Office.
MSc Luiz Júpiter has a degree in Computer Science from the Catholic University of Brasília - DF, a specialization in Corporate IT Governance from the Federal University of Lavras - MG, a master's degree in Public Health Policies from the Fiocruz School of Government - DF and a doctorate in Computational Systems Modeling from the Federal University of Tocantins - TO. He has worked in Information Technology since the 1980s, teaching, developing and executing projects in the area. Throughout his career, he has specialized in data structuring and databases, software engineering and, more recently, in the last 5 years, in research in the area of health data analysis to aid decision-making in public health. He is a professor at FIOCRUZ's School of Government. He was part of the Database team at DATASUS/MS from 2000 to 2010 and at DEMAS/MS in 2019/2020 where he: improved processes, analyzed and re-analyzed the data models of many Ministry of Health systems, in addition to implementing the Ministry of Health's Corporate Data Model; implemented and implemented the Data and Information Quality area in the Data Strategy team at DATASUS/MS; and in 2019/2020 served as Open Data Coordinator at DEMAS/MS. Its research activities include: Use of databases for Pharmacoepidemiology and Health Surveillance and Management studies; Patient trajectory studies - focused on economics, care in electronic medical records and health systems; Computational Systems Modeling - in the application of AI algorithms and machine learning used to simulate and study complex systems using mathematics, physics and computer science to track infectious diseases in populations, identify the most effective interventions and monitor and adjust interventions to reduce the spread of diseases.
He is a postdoctoral research scientist in the Center of Epidemiological Research at the Federal University of Pelotas. After graduating in pharmaceutical sciences from the Federal University of Pelotas, he completed his Master’s in Science and Ph.D. degrees in epidemiology from the same institution in 2019 and 2022. Fernando has experience as a scientific journal referee and external consultancy for Brazilian NGOs. His research focuses on pharmacoepidemiology, with particular interest in understanding health inequalities related to antibacterial use during pregnancy. Since 2017, he has been involved in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort study, handling large databases.
Nutritionist graduated from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). She holds a Master's degree in Epidemiology and a PhD in Public Health Nutrition from the School of Public Health at University of Sao Paulo (FSP/USP). She is a researcher at the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (CIDACS/FIOCRUZ-BA). At CIDACS, she works on projects evaluating the impact of public policies and birth-related outcomes. Specifically, she is part of the Cidacs APS team, which aims to evaluate the effect of primary health care on child mortality in Brazil using data from the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort (a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). Additionally, she collaborates on two projects: "Assessment of Childcare Models in Primary Health Care Units in Brazil" (in progress), funded by CNPq, and "Identification of Vulnerability to Maternal Death for the Implementation of Public Policies" (recently started), funded by INOVA Fiocruz. Her areas of interest include Social Epidemiology, Maternal and Child Nutrition (promotion of breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding, preterm birth, low birth weight, mortality in children under-5), assessment of the impact of public policies on birth-related outcomes, and Primary Health Care.
Do dia 22/05 ao dia 18/06
Inscrição curso: CLIQUE AQUI
Inscrição mesa-redonda: CLIQUE AQUI
Coordenador do evento: Profa. Dra. Luciane Cruz Lopes
NATS - Uniso
Educational Course: case study on Paroxetine use in pregnancy and the risk of cardiac defects
Studying maternal health and medication use during pregnancy and lactation relies heavily on real-world data sources to provide comprehensive and actionable insights. Successful projects like the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program, and the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study, the "Birth in Brazil" study and the "Canadian Mother-Child Cohort Active Surveillance Program," which have significantly contributed to our understanding in this area have significantly contributed to our understanding in this area. However, these efforts also face ongoing challenges such as data integration, privacy concerns, and ensuring sustained funding, which must be addressed to enhance future research and outcomes. The idea of this table is to showcase different initiatives evaluating maternal outcomes and the use of medications during pregnancy and the occurrence of malformations. Also present real world data sources for studying maternal health and medication use.
19 junho de 2024
9h – 12h
Auditório do bloco F – Cidade Universitária
Qualquer pessoa interessada no tema: estudantes, funcionários, professores, pesquisadores e população civil.
9h – 9h: Opening Cerimony – Dean of the University of Sorocaba and Denise Grotto (Coordinator of PPGCF)
9h20 – 9h30: Introducing the panel explanation of the different topics to be handled - Luciane Cruz Lopes (Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Course, University of Sorocaba, Brazil)
9h30 – 9h55: The importance of large sample size cohorts with real world data to assess safety of medication exposure during pregnancy: An opportunity for international collaboration – Anick Bérard (Montreal University, Canada)
9h55 – 10h20: Pharmacovigilance in pregnancy – Júlia Souza Vidal (Surveillance Agency – Anvisa, Brazil)
10h20 – 10h45: Are you open or do you have open data? – Luiz Jupiter (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brasilia, Brazil)
10h45 – 11h10: Medication use during pregnancy and lactation: Findings from the Pelotas Birth Cohort studies, Brazil – Fernando S. Guimarães (Center of Epidemiological Research at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil)
11h10 – 11h35: 100 Million Brazilian Cohort and Birth Cohort: Potential for Scientific Evidence Production – Naiá Ortelan (Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Healthcare-CIDACS)
11h35 – 12h: Questions and Debate Summary and Concluding Remarks – Luciane Cruz Lopes (Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Course, University of Sorocaba, Brazil)
12h – 14h: Lunch
14h – 16h: Educational course: case study on Paroxetine Use in Pregnancy and the Risk of Cardiac defects – Anick Bérard (Montreal University, Canada)
PhD in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, Post- Doc in Clinical Epidemiology. She is professor in Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Course, University of Sorocaba and leader of Evidence Center for Policies - SERIEMA (Evidence services for monitoring and evaluation) and leader of LATAM RIG in the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology. Luciane is member of the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Reviews and Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group. Also, she is collaborator of McMaster University in many projects and guidelines.
Dre Bérard has cross-training in epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, and genetics from McGill University, Harvard Medical School, and Stanford University. She is full professor of perinatal epidemiology at the University of Montreal, Faculty of Pharmacy, and CHU Ste-Justine in Montreal; and adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université Claude Bernard in Lyon, France. Dr Bérard holds a Canada Research Chair Tier 1 on Medications and Pregnancy; and University of Montreal’s Louis-Boivin research chair on « Medications, pregnancy and lactation ». Anick Bérard is also Director of the Research Unit on Medications and Pregnancy at CHU Ste-Justine; Director of the FRQS Réseau Québécois de recherche sur les médicaments; Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Science, and of the International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology; and a voting member of the Birth Defects Research Society. Anick Bérard is the principal investigator of the i) pan-canadian CONCEPTION study – COVID-19 and pregnancy (www.etudeCONCEPTIONstudy.ca), ii) Quebec Pregnancy-Child Cohort, iii) Canadian Mother-Child Active Surveillance Initiative (CAMCCO Research/Training/Knowledge Dissemination), iv) AMerican PREGNANcy/Child CohorT (AM-PREGNANT), and v) the IN-uTERO study aiming at identifying women at risk of having children with congenital malformations using causal and machine learning models (FRQS/Health Data Hub initiative, UMontreal and Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3). Dr. Bérard has published over 500 scientific papers, abstracts and patents, and has obtained over 37 million dollars in funding from CIHR, CFI, and FRQS as principal investigator. She recently received a Most Distinguished Scientist Award from the International Teratology Society for her work on antidepressants, maternal depression, and pregnancy; and a research career award from the Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada.
Júlia Vidal is a Pharmacist (Catholic University of Brasília, 2010) and master in Public Health (University of Brasília, 2014). She has experience in the fields of drug information, health technology assessment, public health policies and pharmacovigilance. She is currently Health Regulation Expert at Anvisa's Pharmacovigilance Office.
MSc Luiz Júpiter has a degree in Computer Science from the Catholic University of Brasília - DF, a specialization in Corporate IT Governance from the Federal University of Lavras - MG, a master's degree in Public Health Policies from the Fiocruz School of Government - DF and a doctorate in Computational Systems Modeling from the Federal University of Tocantins - TO. He has worked in Information Technology since the 1980s, teaching, developing and executing projects in the area. Throughout his career, he has specialized in data structuring and databases, software engineering and, more recently, in the last 5 years, in research in the area of health data analysis to aid decision-making in public health. He is a professor at FIOCRUZ's School of Government. He was part of the Database team at DATASUS/MS from 2000 to 2010 and at DEMAS/MS in 2019/2020 where he: improved processes, analyzed and re-analyzed the data models of many Ministry of Health systems, in addition to implementing the Ministry of Health's Corporate Data Model; implemented and implemented the Data and Information Quality area in the Data Strategy team at DATASUS/MS; and in 2019/2020 served as Open Data Coordinator at DEMAS/MS. Its research activities include: Use of databases for Pharmacoepidemiology and Health Surveillance and Management studies; Patient trajectory studies - focused on economics, care in electronic medical records and health systems; Computational Systems Modeling - in the application of AI algorithms and machine learning used to simulate and study complex systems using mathematics, physics and computer science to track infectious diseases in populations, identify the most effective interventions and monitor and adjust interventions to reduce the spread of diseases.
He is a postdoctoral research scientist in the Center of Epidemiological Research at the Federal University of Pelotas. After graduating in pharmaceutical sciences from the Federal University of Pelotas, he completed his Master’s in Science and Ph.D. degrees in epidemiology from the same institution in 2019 and 2022. Fernando has experience as a scientific journal referee and external consultancy for Brazilian NGOs. His research focuses on pharmacoepidemiology, with particular interest in understanding health inequalities related to antibacterial use during pregnancy. Since 2017, he has been involved in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort study, handling large databases.
Nutritionist graduated from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). She holds a Master's degree in Epidemiology and a PhD in Public Health Nutrition from the School of Public Health at University of Sao Paulo (FSP/USP). She is a researcher at the Center for Data and Knowledge Integration for Health (CIDACS/FIOCRUZ-BA). At CIDACS, she works on projects evaluating the impact of public policies and birth-related outcomes. Specifically, she is part of the Cidacs APS team, which aims to evaluate the effect of primary health care on child mortality in Brazil using data from the 100 Million Brazilian Cohort (a project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). Additionally, she collaborates on two projects: "Assessment of Childcare Models in Primary Health Care Units in Brazil" (in progress), funded by CNPq, and "Identification of Vulnerability to Maternal Death for the Implementation of Public Policies" (recently started), funded by INOVA Fiocruz. Her areas of interest include Social Epidemiology, Maternal and Child Nutrition (promotion of breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding, preterm birth, low birth weight, mortality in children under-5), assessment of the impact of public policies on birth-related outcomes, and Primary Health Care.
Do dia 22/05 ao dia 18/06
Inscrição curso: CLIQUE AQUI
Inscrição mesa-redonda: CLIQUE AQUI
Coordenador do evento: Profa. Dra. Luciane Cruz Lopes
NATS - Uniso